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The Lashley Chronicles - Letter 11

This letter is one of many letters written detailing the development of the pedal guitar, and the birth of the Emmons Guitar. It also includes standardization of the tuning and copedent, as well as historical commentary. 

The letters were written from Ron Lashely Sr. to Mr. Paul J. Graupp, the editor for "Pushin Pedals", the pedal guitar section of Fretts magazine, which was published by Fender Sales.


Scroll down for the complete transcription of this letter. The spelling and grammar shown below is exaclty how it was written by Ron Lashley Sr.







November 18, 1963

Hello Paul:

I guess I owe you another apology for answering so late again but lets forget it for whats more I am answering now.  I always enjoy  hearing from you but I haven’t forgotten to answer, I just put it off until the next hour etc.

I guess you are getting in alot of hours playing the steel lately.  How is your band thriving now?  How is writing also.  I really enjoy reading the articles in Fretts especially when I get them early.

We have finally finished the Emmons Stereo and are ready for orders a $1ooo.oo each.  Personally but not commercially I am very proud of it and believe it is the ultimate in a steel guitar.  Our one desire was to spare nothing that the guitar needed.  These are only our personal feelings and are directed only to you.  Have you written the article concerning the various steels available?  I understand your position in writing and I’m sure that you can keep all the boys happy.  We are very thankful for any publicity that you can afford us.

So you have sold your Standel?  I have some new ones coming in soon and I think that I’ll just hold on for one for awhile.   I am planning to cut an album of hymns over the Christmas Holidays.  I don’t have any definite plans for the arrangements yet but I am considering a 50 voice choir.

It was true that Buddie broke (his feet).  My, how the news gets around.

Buddie is coming to Europe in January with Ray Pride.  I don’t know the exact date but I will try to get a schedule of the tour and give to you.  I told Buddie that you was going to try to make some of the shows if he came and that you would drive him around some.  HE LAUGHTED(sp) and said well great, as you can never tell but I think that it would neet his approval but understand that I don’t have a definite answer from which isn’t unusual.

I just thought I would drop you a line to let you know that I hadn’t forgotten you.  I’ll have more to say after next weel when we conclude final exams.  I’ll pull out for now because it is late.

Your friend,


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