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The Lashley Chronicles - Letter 13

This letter is one of many letters written detailing the development of the pedal guitar, and the birth of the Emmons Guitar. It also includes standardization of the tuning and copedent, as well as historical commentary. 

The letters were written from Ron Lashely Sr. to Mr. Paul J. Graupp, the editor for "Pushin Pedals", the pedal guitar section of Fretts magazine, which was published by Fender Sales.


Scroll down for the complete transcription of this letter. The spelling and grammar shown below is exaclty how it was written by Ron Lashley Sr.





Feb 16

Hello Paul,

I’m sorry this is so late. I didn’t forget and never will but have been working until after midnight nearly every nite on the guitar. I have around a dozen inquiry letters about the Emmons Stereo to get out each morning and boy it really keeps us busy.

I’m glad you liked Day and at least got to hear a good steel man although Buddie couldn’t be there. Buddie is back with Ray Price now and I don’t know where Day is.

I’m sorry the Marlen want’ satisfactory. I do hope you can own a steel that you can be completely satisfied with some day.

I sent you a tape last Friday of Buddies album. I waited hoping it would come in any day but apparently the distributor for this area is going to take his time before getting an albums in. They can be ordered at Ernest Tubb’s record shop now. If you don't all ready have a copy of the album mention it in your next letter and I’ll get you a copy of the liner notes right out.

I have talked with Buddy about you doing a review of his album and you have his personal permission to go ahead. He did want you to mention the Stereo if feasible but if for any reason you can’t he is still happy for you to do a review on the album. I couldn’t get much out of the jazz men around here except, they recognized alot of Charlie Christian and Tal Farlow licks on his album. He has either listened to them or to someone who has listened to them. They also noted his cleanliness and superb sense of timing.

You mentioned doing a blurb on the Stereo. Do you need any other information. We will soon have a leaflet off the press describing the guitar and I’ll send you some to distribute. Also if you could furnish me with the names and addresses of all the steel men who you know, I would appreciate it.

My dues have run out for the Byrd fan club. I understand that Millie has changed addresses so if you have her present address would you mind jotting it down in your next letter.

The Texas Troubadours have a new album out on Decca. Buddy Charleton plays some fine steel on it.

I hope you receive the tape a/t. I’ve got to hit the rack now.

Your friend,


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